This year, we rang in the New Year with some great food, yummy snacks, fun games, too many movies for the kids and great company. And I must say, I started the year out EXHAUSTED! With school out, Ryan off work for a week (yippee!!) and lots of treats, much less sleep than usual, no wonder I'm tired! And the only thing I would change is having even more fun with the family.
Ryan and I took the two older kids to see their first movie at a theater. (Tangled...very cute show!) They had a great time and Jenna mostly wondered if she could have more popcorn.
We also cleaned up the garage. (Ryan got into watching "Hoarders" on Netflix and the next day was cleaning up different things.)
We went bowling on the first day of the much fun. Logan hasn't really been before, and thought maybe it was a ball you should kick down the lane. Jenna's ball sometimes took a little while to get down the lane, but would eventually make it! :) Adam did great and Ryan and I both had a great time with the kids. 

Ryan was a good sport and hung some things for me while he was on vacation. Our house is finally starting to feel like home. Thanks babe!
Jake went to Primary today too and it was so cute to watch him. They are so big!!
Sounds like a great New Year's celebration! I love the decoration on & above your piano. It looks great. Will you come decorate my house? Jenna looks like she loved primary. I can't believe how fast these darn kids are growing up!
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