Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Life with Logan

We are adjusting to life with one more little one around. I have to say thank you to my wonderful husband who has been awesome with everything while I have been recovering. He has always sacrificed for our family, but this last week he has really gone above and beyond and I'm so grateful.

Logan has been back to the hospital everyday getting tested for jaundice. Luckily yesterday was his last day of being poked and he should be good to go. Today we went in for his check up and were happy to hear that he has gained an ounce over his birth weight. For those who know the history with my kids and weight, this is a big deal to us! He's eating like a champ and making plenty of dirty diapers...always a great sign! We love having Logan around and the sweet spirit he is.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Meet Logan

Logan Alexander Richards was born on Tuesday, January 20th, at 11:58pm. He weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces and is 20 inches long. He is very welcomed and loved by all of us. The kids love to hold him and give him a lot of kisses!

There will be much more to come, but being parents of three now, we are a bit overwhelmed trying to figure it all out! Stay tuned!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

We are now a family of five

Details and pictures coming soon!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Induction Date

After going to the doctor and being a little disappointed that I had not had any progress from the week before, the doctor and I decided on Thursday to be the day we will have this baby. I'm very excited to meet this new little guy. Stay tuned for our new addition! :)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Baby Coming...sometime soon?

Today I went to the doctor and was "checked" to see what kind of progress there might be. I was excited to hear that I'm at a 2 1/2 to a 3 and 70% effaced. We are excited to welcome this new little guy into our family, whenever that may be. Only about 2 1/2 weeks until the due date..."if I make it that long." I have so much I need to get done before the baby arrives, but I think today will be a big motivation for me to get those things done.
I'm also ready to be done being pregnant. The swollen feet, face and body in general is not pleasant, but it won't be long now....:)