Friday, April 26, 2013

Happy Birthday to our six-year-old baby girl. Jenna has been counting down the days until her birthday for a good 2 weeks. When the big day finally arrived, she came bouncing into our room and exclaimed that she was now SIX! It is so fun to have a birthday when you're still young!
We had lunch with Jenna at school, then later took cupcakes to celebrate with her class. After school she had speech therapy where she was thrilled to share with her therapist that it was her birthday. We ended the day with family over for cake and ice cream.

Happy 6th Birthday, Jenna!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Another Year Older

Adam celebrated his birthday last week...9 years!!
I know I say it all too much, but where has the time gone?
Adam celebrated by having me bring in his cupcakes for his class. (He really wanted to show off his baby sister, which he did as each student took a turn coming to look at her.) Later we had family and some good friends of ours come join us for cake and ice cream. Adam said he had a great day, so I'd say it was a success! :)

In other news, you'll often find the girls like this.... Jenna loves her little sister and always needs to know where Allie is and asks if she can hold her baby sister.
 I simply can't get enough of this baby. It's hard to imagine life without her. And again, time has flown by...Allie is 4 weeks old today!

Thursday, April 4, 2013


We love Easter! This year the kids were up bright and early
 to find their Easter baskets.

 This Easter we were able to have Allie blessed. Jason and Brook blessed their adorable little guy so we decided that since my whole family would be together, we would bless Allie. We appreciate the love and support we receive.

In addition to Easter egg hunts, coloring eggs, making our own Easter bags, we enjoyed fun family time.
We, of course, are grateful for the reason we celebrate Easter. We are grateful for our Savior and His resurrection. 

Allie Grace

Introducing Allie Grace Richards
March 18, 2013
8:42 pm
8 lbs, 5 oz
20 1/2 inches

We have really enjoyed Allie these last 2 1/2 weeks. She loves to be held, especially by her big sister, Jenna.
Allie gained 13 oz in a period of 1 1/2 weeks, which we were so excited about.
Ryan and I couldn't be more grateful for our family.