Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas came again! :)

It has been a very good Christmas season. The kids had a great time all month long. We had "Jingle" the elf at our house looking down on the kids most of the month, we went to parties, saw Christmas lights, spent time with family, had a secret Santa for the 12 Days of Christmas, and many more things.
Of course, you can't go a season without acting out the Nativity...we did it three times this year. Mary and Joseph were very cute! So was the wise men...
And here are a few favorite things...
New pajamas are the best!!! (Thanks Grammy!)

And next year we might just empty boxes for the kids...they like them just as much as what comes in the boxes.

We had to take out our tree because it was causing some allergy problems, so the kids and I made some paper trees. Christmas wasn't the same without a real tree in the home, so I had Ryan bring the tree back in before Christmas and we took it out the Monday after. He's a trooper for doing all of that for us!

We love Christmas! Adam didn't go to bed until very late Christmas night because he just didn't want the day to end. I had to agree with him, I love Christmas and didn't want it to end either, but there is always next year to look forward to! :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Jenna's New Do

Jenna got her first real hair cut. Since she doens't have much hair, she's only had one other cut and that was by her dad. Today she got the real deal and loved sitting on a big chair, getting her hair cut and done, then getting a treat afterwards. I think it turned out pretty good and makes her look older!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Our Little Angel

Jenna has been taking a ballet/tap dance these last few months and has really enjoyed it. Last night was the big recital. She did great and loved being on stage! Their song was "I'll be a little angel"...

Here's one cute angel The rehearsal...
All the angels performing... We were so proud of Jenna. What a fun experience this has been.

'Tis the Season

'Tis the season to go and get The Christmas Tree! We have fun every year going out, picking the tree that will spend the Christmas season with our family, decorating the tree, redecorating the tree, remembering to keep the tree watered, taking in the great smell of a real tree, and did I mention it gets redecorated a few times? We love it, and the kids have a great time.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Happy Birthday

It was my 30th Birthday! I was a little sad leaving my 20's, but look forward to the 30's. By the way, where did the 20's go and how did it go so fast? Wasn't it just last week I was in college celebrating my 19th birthday with some of my closest friends?
Well anyway, I had a great day. My wonderful husband put 30 little notes around the house for me to find, he came home and decorated the downstairs with several balloons, a big Happy 30th Birthday sign, "Caution" tape signs, "30" signs hanging from the ceiling, etc. etc. We had some family over and had the most delicious Marie Calendar Pies and a great time. I have the best family. My kids gave me hugs and kisses all day and told me "Happy Birthday" often, I got to go to the school and watch a parade, and the best part was my in-laws watched our kids all day Saturday so me and my husband could go out and shop, have lunch, shop, have dinner, have a uninterrupted, ongoing conversation, sanity, relaxing, and much needed time together! Thank you for making my day so special. What a great way to kick off my 30's! :)

Of course, this is Ryan making me wear the hat, the old person glasses and a necklace that had "30" all over it (you can't see it). The kids thought that was fun! (And so did I)!

A Little Update

You know how it goes...your child brings home an assignment and you know it is more of an assignment for the parents than it is for the child. In this case, Adam had to make a float for his Thanksgiving Parade for school. He wanted a train. This is what Ryan and I came up with and Adam loved it. The float got an A+ from Adam and the kids at school! Phew! I'm so glad!

Thanks to a hook up from my awesome sister-in-law, we got a piano...for free. We are so grateful to have a piano in our home and have enjoyed every minute of it. We can't wait until the kids are old enough to start lessons and maybe I'll even take some lessons myself.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Our Halloween Festivities

Another year of fun things to do for Halloween. We had a ward party with a carnival for the kids, auction for the adults and food for everyone. We attended a trunk-or-treat and had a Harvest Party with grandma and Grandpa. What fun! We love to decorate pumpkins and make our own decorations! Here's a few pictures to show you the evidence of the festivities!

Friday, October 1, 2010

One way of doing it...

One way to get a new cuddly teddy bear and cute blanket is to look up at your daddy with your big blue eyes, smile sweetly and ask nicely. Another way would be to get a concussion and spend six hours in the ER. Jenna got a concussion while playing with her neighbor friend. Fortunately she ok and no perminate damage was done. It did take her a little longer than they would have liked to see for her to come back around, but she eventually did. And who wouldn't like to come home with a cute bear and blanket?


Every year we go to the pumpkin patch and enjoy all of the festivities there. This year we had a ward party at a Corn Maze/Pumpkin Patch that a couple in our ward own. The kids had a wonderful time riding on the cow train, running through the mini maze, jumping on the giant bubble, eating donuts and best of all, playing in the corn box. What a fun night out!

Monday, September 20, 2010

What we've been doin'...

Jenna started her dance class last week. She's in a ballet/tap combo class. So far she loves it and absolutely loves her tap shoes! :) Adam fell asleep at dinner. I thought he was just really tired, but come to find out he was sick and running a fever.
Logan likes to eat in a different way. For example, eating peanut butter from a the container with his hands and/or spatula.
And "drink" his yogurt instead of eat it!
I was able to go up in an airplane with my scouts with the Young Eagles Program. It was my first time in a small plane. It was fun, although I did get a little nauseous and dizzy being up there. The boys had a great time though! :)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Where does the time go?

Adam started first grade yesterday and had a wonderful day! He loves his first grade teacher, Mrs. Snyder and says she is really nice.
Now, I'm just wondering, where does the time go?

Ready for his first day of school!

We sure are proud!!!