Friday, May 18, 2012

Adam's Baptism

What an exciting experience to have your first child choose to be baptized.
It was a wonderful day full of family, anticipation, and the spirit.
Adam was able to overcome some fears before being baptized. One fear he had was going under the water. So, after a few weeks of swimming lessons, we thought that fear was taken care of until Adam informed us that he thought he could go under the water as long as he wore his goggles. You can imagine his disappointment when we told him he could not wear goggles to be baptized. So, after more practice, he was completely ready to go underwater...without the goggles. 
There was another fear, however, that being the Bishops Interview. That went much better than Adam thought it would and realized that the bishop is a pretty nice guy.
Then, the morning of the baptism, Adam realized how many people he had coming to support him and got a little nervous to be in front of so many people. He was later overjoyed with all the love he was receiving from his friends and family.

We appreciate all the support we had for this special event. The dinner afterwards went well (I'm always a little nervous about how it will turn out. Will there be enough food, where will everyone sit, are you sure there is enough food?) We had enough food! We always do! Thanks to those who brought food and for the good company. We are so blessed to be surrounded by such great people!

1 comment:

Karen Melander said...

Good Job Adam!! What a special day! We are looking forward to November when Carter gets baptized AND this baby gets here!