We've been talking about getting Logan a big boy bed for a while now, but weren't real
motivated to do it. The truth is, it is much easier to put him in his crib and have him go to sleep than to
train him to sleep in a big bed, especially since he doesn't crawl out of his crib. Finally, we bought a bed and Logan loved it!!! In fact, he kept saying, "I love it!" Then when he figured out that he could run out of his room at any time, he was in real heaven...a new kind of freedom in his life. Overall, he's actually doing pretty good about going to bed, but we do still have work to do.

Ryan has been working late hours and this one particular end of the day I was needing to have time to myself and of course, Logan kept coming out of his room, so I put the gate up. He cried, but eventually fell asleep by the gate.

Then there was the success...Logan went into his room got his 3 bears, 2 blankets and his pillow and went to sleep! I was so happy (for both him and me)!

It is fun to see the things Logan does in his room when he is supposed to be sleeping, but is not and doesn't know I'm watching him. One time he took everything off his bed and put it under his train table, then when he was ready to to go sleep, he pulled everything out and put his on his bed and went to sleep.
A couple of times he got completely naked. When I went to check on him, there he was...holding different clothes in his hands and said, "these ones?"
He also has a mirror in his room that he likes to do things in front of...make funny faces, kiss, put on a hat and looks at himself, etc. He's quite character! :)
What a cute little guy! I'm glad he's loving his big boy bed. I'm also sorry to hear that Ryan is working longer hours. I know how having your hubby gone makes the days drag. Hang in there!
Oops...I didn't realize I was logged in with Kyle's gmail account...sorry. This really is Tiffany.
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