A lot of excitement has been going on around here. We first found a house in Kuna that we like and think it will work great for our family, so we put our offer in. But because it is a short sale, we weren't sure on the time frame we would hear back, so I went ahead and signed Adam up for Kindergarten in Kuna as well as in Boise. We had the Kuna open house first and so I took Adam to that and he started school on Wednesday. What a day!!! I loaded up the kids and made the half hour trip out to Kuna and walked Adam to where his class is to line up when the bell rings and wait for their teacher to come. I was overwhelmed with all different emotions. I was so happy for Adam and for this new chapter not only in his life, but for his families life. I was excited that we would be able to learn new things and develop new skills. I was also feeling the pressures of being a mom. Have I taught him enough to do this? Does he know enough to be independent? Will he be polite? etc, etc.
The bell rang and here comes the teachers. By this point, all of the other grades have already gone to their classes. The Kindergartners all looked confused and the mothers were either really happy or really apprehensive and all with cameras in their hands, snapping pictures/. The teachers all came out to get the students and off they go. I kept it together, at least at this point. After he waved good bye and walked away, Jenna starts to cry and calls out for Adam. I'm still keeping it together. One of the PTA Members is walking around with a box of tissues, handing them out to all of the mom's. As I walk away, I loose it. My little guy is starting a new era and I'm feeling every emotion about it. But he was ready and excited to go...
Here he is sporting his new back pack!
Here he is waving good bye...love the smile! :)
Jenna missed him a lot and when she saw him after school, she hugged him...
and hugged him. 
We got the house, so it's official, Adam will be attending Crimson Point Elementary School! 
When I picked Adam up after school the first day, I asked him how his wonderful first day of school was, his response, "It was boring!"
Kindergarten, boring, really? But then he went on to tell me all the fun things he did. He later said that his teacher kept talking and it was really hot in the sun and that was boring.
He also informed that he did not want to go to school anymore. I told him he had to, not only on Friday, but for the next 13 years. (At least)
Also, his schedule out there is full days on Monday, Wednesday and every other Friday. I was really worried about him going full days, but he seems to be adjusting just fine. (He just wants to make sure that me and Jenna aren't doing anything fun while he's at school!)
Good Job, Adam...we are proud of you!
Wow... a new house and a new kindergartener! You guys like to keep things hopping around there. ;) That is all so exciting. I think I'm going to have a harder time sending Mason to kindergarten than I did Brinlee. In fact, I don't even want to think about it! I can't wait to see pics of your house. That is super exciting.
Kindergarten has always been a hard transition for me..yes me, not the kids. :) They always do just fine while I sit close by and cry about losing my baby.
Congrats on the house! That is so exciting! How soon do you move (and have to commute to kindergarten)?
Congratulations! I'm so excited that you guys got the house. When is moving day?
Adam looked so cute on his first day of school. I'm not looking forward to sending Kacen off to school, and I still have three years left. :) I'm proud of you for holding it together as long as you did. You are a great mom, and I have no doubt that you've taught him the things he needs to know. Adam is a good boy.
That seriously made me cry. I just cant believe it and I cant believe im next. Adam looks so grown up since I have last seen him.
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