Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Out with the OLD, in with the NEWer

Since our new arrival is due in less than four weeks, we decided we should get a vehicle that would fit all three kids. Ryan tried to get all the car seats in our car, but of course the doors wouldn't shut on either side, so this is what we decided....

Ryan gave up his "little dot"

And we got a Minivan...I'm really excited about the will make my life of loading and unloading kids a lot easier!

Monday, December 1, 2008

A Happy Thanksgiving

Ryan had all last week off of work, so we were able to get some things done before we headed up to Pine on Wednesday. Sara and Spencer were nice enough to invite us up to their cabin for Thanksgiving weekend. We had a blast! We ate lots of food, played games, the boys went motorcycling, ate food, went on a hike, ate food, went to the lake, visited an old ghost town and much more! Adam really didn't want to leave and has been talking about the cabin since we left. Thank you Sara and Spencer for a great Thanksgiving!
(I didn't take any pictures, but I'll work on getting some!)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

1st Time Primary Program

Sunday was Adam's first Primary Program. He got up at and said his part loud and clear. We were so proud of him. It is also fun to watch the little Sunbeams try to entertain themselves during Sacrament Meeting. By the end, one little girl was half undressed, and Adam kept himself busy by picking his nose, looking around at all the neat things you can see from the stand, and jumping out of his chair when it was time to sing a song.
Thanks to Grandma Richards for coming to watch Adam...he was very excited to have her there and it was nice for Jenna to have someone else there to entertain her besides us. (Sorry about the spilled goldfish and water all over your church clothes.)

Saturday, November 1, 2008


We had a lot of fun for Halloween this year. Adam was dressed up as "Lightning McQueen Pit Crew," real surprise, I know. And Jenna was an adorable little fairy. I wasn't able to get any good picture of the kids, especially Jenna, but I did the best I could.

Ready to go out and get some CANDY!!!
I finally gave in towards the end and let Jenna have a sucker, unfortunately it was blue, so she had the blue face, but some people thought it was part of her dressing up--having blue lipstick on. Jenna caught on to getting candy pretty quick. She would grab a hand full of candy, put it in her bucket and go on to the next place. She had a hard time keeping up with Adam, who was in a hurry to get to all of the houses.
The end result was was pretty good, and even though Adam doesn't eat a lot of candy, he was excited to go trick-or-treating and collect the candy. As for Jenna, she won't stop climbing on the kitchen chairs to get her hands on more candy and if we won't open it up for her, she will just carry it around hoping we'll give in soon!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Baptism, Birthday, & a Blessing

This Weekend...

Kody was baptizedGrandma Pete came for the big event and we were able to snap a picture of the great-grand kids.

Carson was cute!

And Tami had a birthday!
What a weekend! It was so nice to be with family and being able to celebrate so much all in one day!
Thanks mom and dad for putting us all up for the weekend!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Family Night

For family night we had a little lesson then decorated/carved our pumpkins. Adam and Jenna really got into coloring their pumpkins while Ryan worked hard on carving ours. The kids really enjoyed doing this and were proud of the outcome of all the pumpkins.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fun Saturday!

We had a great Saturday! First, we went to the Linder Farms Pumpkin Patch that now not only has a pumpkin patch, but also has a sling shot, petting zoo, corn maze, blow up toys for kids, barrel rides for kids (the kids sit in the open barrels and a lawn mower takes them around,) and much more. They also have concessions, so for lunch we settled for popcorn and mini donuts. YUM!
This place gets bigger and bigger every year and more and more people go out to enjoy the fun. It was a gorgeous day out, so of course there were a lot of people there.

Adam & Jenna picked out the perfect pumpkins for themselves. Luckily they didn't want the biggest ones here!

Saturday night we headed over to Jason & Brook's house to create haunted houses for Halloween. As you can see, Jason and Brook did an incredible job in their house, Jared and Joy were very creative and Adam had a great time decorating his. Needless to say, ours wasn't very great, at all, so no pictures will even be shown of ours.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Corinne tagged me to type 6 unspectacular (otherwise known as quirky) personal qualities about myself. Here are the tag rules.
1. Link the person who tagged you
2. Mention the rules on your blog
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger's blogs letting them know they've been tagged.
So, here are my 6 quirky qualities.

1. I hate to be late. My anxiety level rises when I know I'm going to be late for something.

2. I can't sleep at night if my hands and/or lips are dry or if my closet door is open.

3. When I go to bed, I always lay on my right side until I'm just about to sleep, then I have to roll over to my left side. Ryan always knows when I'm serious about going to sleep! :)

4. I don't like things out of their place for very long. A few toys here and there for a little while is ok, but toys scattered all over...I can't handle. Here's one small example: At church Jenna thought it was a fun game to dump out all of the crayons from the box, put a few back in, dump them out, etc. Then when she got fussy and Ryan took her out, the crayons were all over the floor and bench. It was driving me CRAZY!!! I couldn't really get down and pick up all of the crayons that were half way across the bench from me in the middle of sacrament meeting, but it was really driving me nuts! Finally, I got Adam to pick them up and put them in the box for me. After that, I could really listen to the meeting again.

5. I don't like to cook. I know I should do better because I'm the mom and need to feed me kids great things, but I don't enjoy cooking. I like to assist others in cooking though. However, I LOVE to bake. I could bake goodies all day!

6. I like to talk on the phone if or when I do cook or clean the kitchen. It helps me get the job done!

I tag Melanie, Katie, Sara and Amanda!

Friday, October 10, 2008

What's Been Going On...

Happy Helpers!

Adam says goodbye to his friend, Carter. Carter's family is moving to Alaska in the morning. To say the least, they will be sorely missed!
Today we had our first snow fall. Adam was so excited to see the snow--he was dancing around, making up silly songs about the snow, etc.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Part 2 of Denver

While we were in Denver, Adam got a letter from Thomas the Train saying he would be in Colorado on Saturday and wanted Adam to come see him. Adam had a smile from ear to ear!

Ryan, Dave, Maryn and Kylie went sky diving in a wind tunnel. They had a blast. Brennan really wanted to go as well, maybe next time. I would love to go as well if I get the chance...assuming I'm not pregnant!
Adam meets was a good day for him!
Adam is holding Rosie the tarantula. We were a little surprised by that, but he really liked it...brave kid!
At the butterfly pavilion, Adam was able to hold a butterfly. He was excited about that, and Tyler was mesmerized.

Our Amazing Vacation to Denver: Part 1

We took a trip to Denver, Colorado and had a BLAST!!! Here are some things we did...

Adam going through the airport with his bag
The Denver Zoo...Adam had the map the whole time to make sure we saw everything that was of interest to him.
The Aquarium was fun to see.
We went to The Children's Museum, which was a hit for the kids. They had a great time playing there.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

And the Doctor Said...

When we first told Adam we were expecting a baby, he wanted to know if it was a boy or a girl...we told him we didn't know yet. After a few weeks we would ask Adam what he thought the baby was and he would say, "I don't know, what did Heavenly Father say?" However, he did want a baby boy named Thomas (after the Tank Engine) or Carter (after his best friend) ---today was the big find out day...and the doctor said...


(Actually the doctor put the curser on the baby to show that it was clearly a boy and I was able to tell Ryan over speaker phone!)

We are very excited, but are most grateful that so far everything looks so good! Baby boy is right on with weight, heart beat, etc.
Let the name game begin....

Thursday, September 4, 2008

What do you think?

On September 10th, next Wednesday, we find out whether will be having a boy or a girl. What do you think it is? Leave a comment to vote!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Pretty in Pink

My mom got this dress for Jenna's birthday (in April) and she finally fits into it. She looked so cute in it! (The picture doesn't really do justice, so you'll just have to take my word for it!)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

6 Years and counting

Happy Anniversary to my incredible husband! Its been six years now and I grateful for all of our jouneys we've had in the past 6 years and am looking forward to all the years to come.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Gone Fishin'

We went fishing at CJ Strike Friday night. It was a blast and we all caught a lot of fish! Also, this was Jenna's first time on a boat and she did great. She didn't mind her life jacket too much either. Adam liked catching fish...funny thing is I think we caught more fish with the Barbie & Lightning McQueen fishing poles than any other poles.
Thanks to Spencer and Sara for showing us a great place to fish and to Dave and Marilyn for the boat ride!

Having a Ball

Monday, July 28, 2008

Raymond Family Fun

In July we had a Raymond Family Reunion. We had a great are some pictures of us at Lava Hot Springs floating the river.

Thanks to Mom & Dad for putting all of us up and making it a great weekend!

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Jenna is walking!!! YEA!!! She started to really take off about a week ago, and hasn't stopped since. At first she had her hands way up in the air for balance, but each day her hands have come down a little bit more. If she does fall, which is often and leaves some serious marks on her head, she has to crawl to a peice of furniture to get help up. We are proud of her, and she is really proud of herself!

This is how I found the kids this morning watching a movie. It was a tender moment...with both kids being ok with being so close together.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Fun in July

I am way behind on blogging...I'll pull my pregnant card for an excuse!

The first part of July we went to Bear Lake for our Richards Family Reunion. We had a blast!!! The weather was good, the food was great (and we had a ton of it) and the kids had a wonderful time. There was enough older nieces of ours that wanted to entertain our kids, which is always so nice for us parents.

After the Richards Reunion, we headed to meet up with my family for the Raymond Family Reunion. I'm still working on getting the pictures from that, so stay tuned. For now, here are some moments from Bear Lake:

The kids with their frog hat craft

Jenna getting a ride on the boogie board from her big brother!Adam had a great time being buried in the sand, but it had to be standing up

And the cousins wanted in on the fun (Brennan, Abby, Adam)

What a great lake and a great vacation...we should do that more often!