Saturday, August 2, 2008

Gone Fishin'

We went fishing at CJ Strike Friday night. It was a blast and we all caught a lot of fish! Also, this was Jenna's first time on a boat and she did great. She didn't mind her life jacket too much either. Adam liked catching fish...funny thing is I think we caught more fish with the Barbie & Lightning McQueen fishing poles than any other poles.
Thanks to Spencer and Sara for showing us a great place to fish and to Dave and Marilyn for the boat ride!


Kyle and Tiffany said...

How fun! Your kids are too cute. I love their smiles.

These Four Walls said...

Good times :). How are you feeling? Did the boat ride make you queasy?

Dan said...

Sounds like a lot of fun. You guys are right on our path to visit Genni's family so we will have to stop by and visit.