September was busy getting into the swing of school, homework and new schedules. I'm so proud of Adam. So are this school year he has set his alarm and gotten up on his own every day. This is a HUGE improvement from last year. I think it mostly has to do with the fact that if he's not ready in time, he has to go to school with his sister (which involves me taking him) rather than going to school with his friends. He is enjoying 4th grade and has really stepped it up...upper elementary is a lot more work!
Jenna had a rough start to first grade. She missed her Kindergarten teacher so much and just cried every day because she did not want to go to school. After a couple weeks of this and a visit with the teacher and principle, things changed dramatically and now she loves going to school. All it took was for her teacher to pull her aside and ask her how she was doing and if she was having a good day. Ever since, Jenna decided she LOVES her teacher and 1st grade really isn't so bad.
Logan loves going to preschool and I have found that I can get a lot done in the amount of time he's in school. Allie and I have great bonding time and a lot of different kinds of shopping gets done!
Also in September, Allie turned 6 months old! Time is going way too fast!
October: Allie is now 7 months old and has found her very loud voice! We figure it is her way of saying, "HELLO!!! I'M HERE AND I CAN BE LOUD TOO!!!!"
Sometimes all that attention makes her very sleepy!
I love fall leaves. The kids do too. However, we do not have a lot of leaves falling from the 2 small trees we have, so the kids gather up the leaves from all the neighbors and bring them over to our yard. The neighbors love that all the kids get together and rake up their leaves and the kids love playing in the leaves. Ryan doesn't seem to mind too much that he has to rake and dispose of every one's leaves!

We got a pet. It was a cat. The thing is, Adam REALLY wanted a cat. He begged for years for us to get a cat. I hate cats. Ryan doesn't care for them. We got a cat anyway...for the kids. Ryan spent his day looking for a cat, buying the necessary things a cat would need and getting the cat settled. We named the cat Star and got her settled. The kids would kind of play with her, but not really. Oh, and this was a STRICTLY OUTSIDE cat. I was not going to have it in my house. Two days after we got the cat, we lost her. We looked and looked and could not find her. I called and told Ryan that we couldn't find her...anywhere! He told me to look under the lawn mover, which I did and there she was. How long was she under there...who knows? As a couple days went on, the kids weren't really paying any attention to their new pet unless a friend came over to see her. Ryan felt sorry for the little thing and would spend time with it when the kids went to bed. He asked me to please spend time with it during the day and get it used to being around people. I tried. I went out, tried to get her out of her box, put on a glove to pet her, she ran off, I walked back into the house. After a week of the kids not really paying any attention to the new addition, we took her back to the Humane Society. Luckily we had a 30 day return policy.
Fast forward a few days and here we have ourselves a pigeon in our is tame and tagged. We tried to find an owner. Unfortunately before we could, the neighbor kids came into our garage to see the bird, took it out of the cage and gave it to another neighbor kid. The pigeon clawed the boys hand and he let go. Gone is that "pet." I decided we aren't pet people, unless it's a fish. And that's ok.
Jenna lost her first tooth this week. She was at school, eating lunch and was SO EXCITED!!!
Halloween was fun. We had a party that our nephew did on Tuesday then on Thursday we did the school party, parade and ended the day with Trick-or-Treating. Adam quickly divided his candy into what he will keep and eat and what he's going to sell. Then, I noticed he already made up his pricing sheet. I don't know if he really understands that everyone else just got as much candy and probably won't be in the market to buy for a while.
Ok, so that was a bit long!
Now onto the Holiday Season because you know Christmas will be here before we know it!