Tuesday, January 29, 2013

November 2012

November must have been a good month, although I don't know what we spent our time doing. However, on Thanksgiving Day we went to the Botanical Gardens Winter Garden Aglow. It was cold, but fun nonetheless.

Ryan has developed an allergy to real Christmas Trees. So for the last couple of years, we would go get a real tree, put it up, then a few days later, we'd have to take it down and put it outside so Ryan could breath. A few days before Christmas I would get really sad about not having a tree up, so Ryan would hose off the tree, bring it back in the house, redecorate it and we'd have to take it back down shortly after Christmas, again, so Ryan could breath. This year we got an artificial tree. And though it just isn't the same as a real tree, it does have it's perks. For example, we can now start a new tradition of putting up the tree the day after Thanksgiving and have it up until sometime after Christmas. Ryan can breath easily in his own home and we can enjoy the tree all season. Also, it really is nice not having to put the lights on the tree. :)

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