I can't believe how fast time goes. How many times have I heard that you need to enjoy your babies because they grow so fast. After having my first, I realized that time
does go by fast, but it goes by faster the more kids I have. I am in awe that it has been
one year since Logan joined our family. I was reflecting on this last year and still cannot figure out where the time went. We are so grateful for Logan and the sweet little boy that he is.

Logan at 6 months-army crawling

Some of Logan's accomplishments and favorite things are:
Climbing up and down the stairs
Eating Yogurt
Wrestling with Adam and Jenna
Walking with Dad
Saying "Dada"
Singing Popcorn Popping
2 bottom teeth and 6 more coming in as of today
And can anyone resist the killer smile he has?

He got the chocolate cake (actually, cupcake) and an ice cream cone for his first birthday...wasn't so sure what to think about it.

You want some?

Logan adores his Grandpa.

Logan watching Jenna open up his gifts. That's what siblings are for, right?
Happy FIRST Birthday, Logan. We love you very much!!!
I totally agree with you, time flies. It has gone so much faster with my second than my first. I can't believe that both of our babies are one. Logan sure is a cutie. That smile sure is infectious!
He's SO cute! It really does go by so fast. I can't believe he's already one. What a cute little man! I can't wait to see you guys!
I can't believe that he is already one! I think you are right, the older we get the faster the years go.
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