Jenna started her dance class last week. She's in a ballet/tap combo class. So far she loves it and absolutely loves her tap shoes! :)

Adam fell asleep at dinner. I thought he was just really tired, but come to find out he was sick and running a fever.

Logan likes to eat in a different way. For example, eating peanut butter from a the container with his hands and/or spatula.

And "drink" his yogurt instead of eat it!

I was able to go up in an airplane with my scouts with the Young Eagles Program. It was my first time in a small plane. It was fun, although I did get a little nauseous and dizzy being up there. The boys had a great time though! :)
Fun pictures! I didn't know you were working with the scouts. That's cool! I bet they LOVE you! I hope Adam is feeling better. Poor kid. Jenna looks beautiful in her dance costume, and Logan...he's just ONE cute little guy!
Cute pics. Mary did tap ballet last year and loved it! This year she is trying jazz ballet. Its so fun to watch. I don't know if I could go in a little plane. I am getting a little dizzy just thinking about it. Brave woman!
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