I think we ended up with 13 different kinds of Root Beer to try out.`

We put Mom & Dad to the test first.

Then they had to see if they could figure it out blind-folded.

But maybe someone made one of them a little more special...Jared & Ryan getting a kick out of it!

Not so sure Brook liked that one!

Wondering what to think of that one.

Still trying to decide if that really classifies as Root Beer.

So much fun!!!
Oh my gosh that is so funny. I didnt know there were that many kinds of rootbeer. Are you sure they were ALL rootbeer? JK
That was so much fun. Thanks for the pics. I might have to have you send me all your pictures from that weekend. I don't think I took any!
How fun! Where did you get all of those different kinds of rootbeer? Amazing! I loved your past few posts. It sounds like you had a great Christmas at Thanksgiving. :) Hopefully your Christmas at Christmas is just as good!
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