Ok, so I’m a little late getting Jenna’s first birthday pictures posted, but for legitimate reasons. Jenna’s birthday was April 25th, Friday, but we decided to celebrate it with family on the following Sunday. However, Jenna was running a 102-degree fever on Sunday, so we postponed the party until Tuesday night. Jenna’s fever had gone down, but she still isn’t feeling great, so I’m taking her to the doctor
again to see if she has
another ear infection.
I took Jenna in for her one year well baby appointment on Monday and found that she now weighs 16 pounds, 6 ounces, and is 28 ¾ inches long. She sure is skinny, but after reviewing her chart with the doctor, we came to the realization that she’s been sick a lot since November and its no wonder she isn’t gaining a lot of weight.

Adam woke up Friday morning yelling to Jenna that it was her birthday. She quickly perked up and we opened presents before daddy left for work. (Or should I say, Adam opened up the presents.)

Jenna loves her new push toy and we love it too because she can walk around on her own and we don't kill our back anymore.

Jenna enjoyed the ice cream cone very much! I'm not sure she even took a bite out of her cake, but she ate quite a bit of ice cream!
We love you Jenna and enjoyed having you in our family for the first year of life and look forward to the next 99 years!
I can't belive your baby is one. Didn't you just have her? Crazy kids keep growing up! I love the picture of her eating her ice cream cone...true girl right there. Won't be long before she's hanging out with friends downing a whole carton of ice cream! :)
What fun! To bad she was sick. That is never fun. If her fever was that high the ice cream was probably the best thing in the world, 'cause it's cold. Hope she gets to feeling better.
So Cute! I love the ice cream pictures. She reminds me of Hailey at that age; very petite. Hailey weighed 15lbs. 15oz. at her one year check up. It is crazy how tiny these little girls are. Jenna sure is a doll.
I didn't realize that Jenna shares a birthday with Emma. Too bad we don't live close anymore or else we could have double birthday parties. Anyway, Jenna is such a cutie. Hope she feels better soon!
Happy Birthday Jenna! It goes by way to fast. Wow 16 pounds is little, but then I'm used to my baby who is huge. He weighed almost 25 pounds at his one year appointment.
No way! Time flies!
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