Yesterday for Memorial Day, we rented bikes and a trailer (since we didn't get our own in time) and rode the a part of the Green Belt I haven't ever been on before. It was so nice and beautiful, we really enjoyed it. We actually had both Adam and Jenna in the trailer and they did great together. Jenna had been fussy all day, running a fever, etc. but she was a real trooper.
We ended the night by taking Jenna to the hospital to see what was wrong with her. The fever was lingering around 103, she had a terrible cough, hard time swallowing, not eating, difficulty breathing at times, etc, etc. We found that she has croup so the doctor gave us a one time steroid to help and sent us on our way. Jenna had a rough night, but we survived and she's a bit more chipper today, so hopefully we are on our way to recovery!
Jenna has decided she likes to crawl up on things. Last night while doing dishes, I turn to put some things in the dish washer and there she is, ready to help. But her favorite thing to climb on is Adam's "activity" table. She tries and succeeds to climb on that every chance she gets.