Tuesday, May 27, 2008


It was nice for Ryan to have an extra day off work. Although it didn't turn out like we had hoped, it was still nice to have Ryan for a day! Ryan & I took one of our friends from the ward to the church parking lot to teach her how to drive a stick shift. She did a great job and Ryan is an awesome teacher!
Yesterday for Memorial Day, we rented bikes and a trailer (since we didn't get our own in time) and rode the a part of the Green Belt I haven't ever been on before. It was so nice and beautiful, we really enjoyed it. We actually had both Adam and Jenna in the trailer and they did great together. Jenna had been fussy all day, running a fever, etc. but she was a real trooper.
We ended the night by taking Jenna to the hospital to see what was wrong with her. The fever was lingering around 103, she had a terrible cough, hard time swallowing, not eating, difficulty breathing at times, etc, etc. We found that she has croup so the doctor gave us a one time steroid to help and sent us on our way. Jenna had a rough night, but we survived and she's a bit more chipper today, so hopefully we are on our way to recovery!
Jenna has decided she likes to crawl up on things. Last night while doing dishes, I turn to put some things in the dish washer and there she is, ready to help. But her favorite thing to climb on is Adam's "activity" table. She tries and succeeds to climb on that every chance she gets.

Midnight Update

So, Ryan and I heard from a friend about a place called "Simply Cats" that doesn't put down the cats, but keeps them until they are adopted out or eventually die of old age. It is kind of a neat place for cats...no cages, lots of fun toys for them, etc. We decided to take our temporary kitty there but they couldn't keep her because they were too full, but Ryan had them check to see if it had a microchip in it and sure enough, she did. I called this morning to see if the owner found his kitty and they said that it is actually our neighbor and he just got this little kitten. He keeps her inside, but some how she got out. They later reunited on Saturday. Maybe Adam can have little kitty fixes every once in awhile. :)

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Yesterday Midday:

Adam-"Mom, I want a cat."

Me-"A cat...where are we going to get a cat?"

Adam-"From the pet store"

Me-"Where will we put the cat?"

Adam-"In our house."

Me-"Oh, well I don't think we are going to get a cat."

Adam-"But I want one."

Distraction from me....

9:45 pm yesterday:

Ryan and I hear a meowing sound that seems to be coming from our apartment. We discover (by that I mean Ryan) that we have a cat in our crawl space and we can see it from a hole in our furnace closet. Ryan was able to get the cat out of the crawl space and fed, loved and adored the cat. (Sorry, but I don't really love cats, so I stayed back from a distance.)

While Ryan was away getting cat food, Adam wakes up, about 11:00 pm and hears some noises. He discovers it is a cat and gets really excited. Jenna too is now awake and excited, mostly because brother is, but then she is suddenly really scared!

Because of all the excitement, Adam was up until well past 1:00 in the morning and dreamed about the cat all night. Ryan was up all night listening to the cat cry out back and Jenna and I slept like babies.

Ryan and I decided to call the kitten "Midnight"...we thought it was fitting, but Adam likes "Blacky" (also fitting) and "Bob."

This little kitten has definitely been around people and has been cared for. It is in no way a wild, stray cat, but none the less, we do need to take it back to "his mommy," which is of course the Idaho Humane Society.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Thanks...its a little better!

Thank you to all that helped me out with improving my blog...its a little better and I hope to be able to improve it more in the future...maybe when the kids are sleeping... :)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Need Help...

Ok, so I hate my background on my blog and I've seen SO MANY cute ones on different blogs...how do I get one of those cute ones on my blog? I've tried and tried to figure it out, but can't seem to get it. I also want to put a lilypie and music on my blog, but I can't seem to figure that out either. Someone, please help me!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Aaaahhhhh...How cute!!!

Adam-4 Years old

Jenna-1 Years Old

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Going on a "Trip"

Last Monday I loaded up the kids and headed to my parents house for a few days. I decided to go spend time with my dad and let him be entertained by my kids since he'll be off work for at least six weeks. I didn't want Dad to get bored or get used to too much quiet time...that would be a shame! :) Of course it was a break for me to have my parents, Tami and her family help entertain the kids. Grandma and Adam were up to a lot of tricks.
Adam was enjoying doing tricks of his own on the trampoline. My family put it together just before we got there... and we were all very grateful. Adam had a blast jumping!
Adam and Grandpa were great buds! Grandpa even took Adam on an "adventure" which included seeing the cows, throwing rocks in the river, and watching the ants build their homes.
Jenna was exhaused when we got home from all the fun we had. There's nothing like a full tummy and a nap...all in one! :)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Long Days

Ryan has been working long hours lately. The kids went two days without seeing him, but Adam was sure to get up early this morning and see his daddy before he headed out to work.
On the way of taking Jenna to the doctor...again...Adam saw a building and asked, "Is that were daddy lives?"
"You mean is that where daddy works?" I ask.
"No, where daddy lives...he works for a long time!"
These long hours should only last until June 15th, but we sure miss our daddy! Hang in there, Ryan! (And thanks for all you do!)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Jenna Turns One...already! :)

Ok, so I’m a little late getting Jenna’s first birthday pictures posted, but for legitimate reasons. Jenna’s birthday was April 25th, Friday, but we decided to celebrate it with family on the following Sunday. However, Jenna was running a 102-degree fever on Sunday, so we postponed the party until Tuesday night. Jenna’s fever had gone down, but she still isn’t feeling great, so I’m taking her to the doctor again to see if she has another ear infection.
I took Jenna in for her one year well baby appointment on Monday and found that she now weighs 16 pounds, 6 ounces, and is 28 ¾ inches long. She sure is skinny, but after reviewing her chart with the doctor, we came to the realization that she’s been sick a lot since November and its no wonder she isn’t gaining a lot of weight.

Adam woke up Friday morning yelling to Jenna that it was her birthday. She quickly perked up and we opened presents before daddy left for work. (Or should I say, Adam opened up the presents.)
Jenna loves her new push toy and we love it too because she can walk around on her own and we don't kill our back anymore.
Jenna enjoyed the ice cream cone very much! I'm not sure she even took a bite out of her cake, but she ate quite a bit of ice cream!

We love you Jenna and enjoyed having you in our family for the first year of life and look forward to the next 99 years!