I'm kind of new at this blogging thing...so I'm just wondering, who thinks up these tags? Maybe we should create a crazy one and see how far it gets. Wait! We have kids and probably need to think about other things like what to feed our kids, getting our kids to bed, cleaning the kitchen, vacuuming the floor so your little one doesn't have to be the human vacuum, etc. Anyway, here it goes:
1. Pick up the nearest book (at least 123 pages).
2. Turn to page 123.
3. Find the 5th sentence
4. Post the 5th sentence on your blog.
5. Tag 5 people.
My nearest book is: "Super Baby Food."
Fifth sentence reads, " The mail meal of the Super Baby Food Diet is outlined in the next box."
If you are interested in the "next box" you'll have to wait until the next crazy tag that tells me to post "the next box."
Ok, I tag Natalie, Michelle, Melanie, Tiff, and you if you are reading this! :)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

We had a great Easter this year, as it is every year. It is always so nice to reflect on our Savior, Jesus Christ and all that he has done for each of us. This year we tried to go into more detail with Adam about what Easter is all about. I found it more difficult teaching Adam about the Resurrection of Christ than the birth of Christ, but it strenghtens my testimony to teach a child any part of Christ.
Jason and Brook were able to come over for dinner and stay the evening with us on Easter. It is always nice to be in good company, especially with family! :)
I had a great time shopping for a new church outfit for myself and clothes for the kids. (Ryan picked out his own tie.) It was actually a little more difficult finding a dress for Jenna that was modest without paying a lot of money, but we found one...it was a little small, but it worked! :) I find myself looking for any excuse to shop for clothes for me and/or the kids.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Jenna's New Developments

Jenna cut her first bottom tooth this week and the other one is about through as well.
Also, Jenna crawled for the first time yesterday. Ryan thought it was a great birthday gift to him. She's been wearing these shoes these last couple of days and it enables her from scooting as fast as she likes, so she started to crawl. Whatever works, right?
One more thing Jenna has learned to do this week is pull herself up on almost everything. We are all very proud of her. Go Jenna!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Jenna's Been Tagged

Eight things about Jenna:
1. She looks great in purple
2. Jenna loves to laugh, especailly at her older brother.
3. Jenna's favorite part of the day is when daddy comes home.
4. She wants to play with everything Adam has...forget her own toys, she wants the big boy stuff.
5. Jenna is so cute and patite. She gets comments all of the time on
how cute and little she is.
6. Jenna is very content and a great little girl.
7. Jenna loves attention!
8. Jenna loves to eat...anything...she may be small, but she can eat a ton!
If you are reading this, considered yourself tagged!
Adam's Been Tagged

Eight Things About Adam:
1. Adam LOVES to run. Grandpa Raymond has often asked when he's going to learn to walk.
2. Adam LOVES Trains...especially Thomas the train.
3. Reading books is one of Adam's favorite things to do. He could read books all day. He also likes to learn to read. He's actually doing pretty good for a 3-year-old.
4. Adam loves going to both of his grandparents homes. He thinks his Grandpa's are pretty neat.
5. Adam could watch a lot of TV if I let him...he likes all kinds of shows.
6. M&M's are Adam's favorite candy. Because he's a picky eater, he doesn't eat much of them, but he does love them.
7. Blue is his favorite color.
8. Adam loves to be outside...we can't wait for spring!
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