Monday, April 15, 2013

Another Year Older

Adam celebrated his birthday last week...9 years!!
I know I say it all too much, but where has the time gone?
Adam celebrated by having me bring in his cupcakes for his class. (He really wanted to show off his baby sister, which he did as each student took a turn coming to look at her.) Later we had family and some good friends of ours come join us for cake and ice cream. Adam said he had a great day, so I'd say it was a success! :)

In other news, you'll often find the girls like this.... Jenna loves her little sister and always needs to know where Allie is and asks if she can hold her baby sister.
 I simply can't get enough of this baby. It's hard to imagine life without her. And again, time has flown by...Allie is 4 weeks old today!

1 comment:

Kyle and Tiffany said...

9 years?! Holy smokes...he's going to be driving in no time. :) I'm glad it was a good birthday for Adam. Allie is so cute, and I'm glad to hear that Jenna is being a great big sister. I love the picture of you and Allie!