Thursday was Adam's first day of 2
nd grade. And again, I can't
believe it's time to start school again and that we have a 2
nd grader! Adam was really excited for school (but not so excited about getting up early). When you're in kindergarten, it's new exciting and part-time. 1st grade is the real thing, 5 days a week, full time. By the time you get to 2
nd grade you know what to expect, what is expected of you and your into the routine. 2
nd Grade! What an exciting grade!

nd Grade!

At his desk...waiting for the bell to ring.

And again, the annual picture by the Crimson Point Elementary School sign.
We hope you have a great school year, Adam!
Wow, second grade already. When did we get old enough to have kids, let alone kids going to school? Well, he sure is a cutie.
Hooray for 2nd grade! Adam looked so happy for his first day. I hope it's a great year for him.
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