Monday, April 12, 2010

Could it be?

Could it really be that six years ago I became a mom? People always told me to enjoy it because it goes by so fast, but you just don't realize how fast it really goes until days turn into weeks, then months, then years and all of the sudden your first born "baby" is six! Time goes by fast...too fast.
Adam a couple days old... Adam's first birthday:
2nd Birthday:3rd Birthday:
4th Birthday:
5th Birthday:

And this year for Adam's sixth birthday, he wanted a dinosaur train cake, so he took matters into his own hands and decorated his own cake.
He did a good job!
Of course there was pin the tail on the donkey:
And the T-Rex Pinata:
The Gifts:
And the friends:
And last but not least, the 6th Birthday cake:

One thing about turning six, Adam thought for sure he would have to start 1st Grade on Monday. He was a little nervous about that. But we got that all straightened out.

Happy Birthday Adam! I just hope tomorrow I'm not sending you off on your mission! :)


Kyle and Tiffany said...

Holy smokes! He's growing up right before our eyes. I can't believe he's six! mission tomorrow, but it's going to come sooner than we think.

P.S. Good job on the Dinosaur Train cake, Adam. Are you up for hire around the end of July? :)

Mel said...

I can't believe you have a six-year-old. Time sure does fly! I just LOVE that he decorated his own cake.

I was talking to Tiff the other day and she mentioned that she had talked to you about getting together when I am out there this summer. I would love to see you guys, so hopefully we can work something out with everyone's schedule.

Genni said...

Happy Birthday Adam! Great job on the cake! Emma turns 7 this month....I am still in denial. We haven't seen you guys in so long. When are you coming up to Seattle to visit?

Natalie said...

6 already! Wow, time really does fly by. Looks like you have a cake decorator on your hands :) Great job adam!

Jon and Amy Richards said...

Adam did such a good job on that cake! He knows his trains man. Happy Birthday Adam! I loved the birthday recap!