Adam started soccer and he loves it! I didn't ever think I would be a mom of a soccer player, but since Adam loves to run and there's a ball involved, this is just the sport for him. And in addition to that, Ryan played soccer in his younger years and is now Adam's team assistant coach. It is so fun to see these five and six-year-
old's play soccer, most of them for the first time. They get so excited if they kick the ball and you can image the pure joy it brings them when they score a goal...even if it is the other teams goal.

In being a mom of a soccer player, I thought I would try to make home made, wheat bread by myself. I was very proud that I had done it and that the bread got eaten up! Hooray for me...this is huge for me since I don't really know how to cook!!

Love soccer and LOVE that bread. Your post made me want to play again and eat some yummy home made bread.
Go Adam! He looks so cute in his soccer uniform. And way to go, Min! I can't believe you made homemade wheat bread. Can you come teach me? It looks DIVINE! Soccer mom, homemade-wheat-bread-making mom, what's next?! You'll get translated if you take on much more. :) Love ya!
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