So, we were able to move out of our apartment and in with Ryan's parents while our house is finishing up. Dave and Marilyn have been so good to us and very generous in letting us stay with them at this time. We were very excited to get moved out of our apartment and closer to Kuna so I didn't have to commute so long to take Adam to school or go work on our house. I have to say THANK YOU to all of those who helped us. We could not have done any of it ourselves. The week we were moving, Logan got a double ear infection, Adam had a double ear infection with one ruptured ear drum with 103 fever for several days, and Jenna is getting her molars. Our family, ward members and friends were wonderful to clean our apartment, watch the kids, bring in dinner, help us move, etc. while I mostly took care of 3 sick kids. What a week it was!
Since then, my father-in-law, Dave, has been working a lot at the house trying to get it ready to move into. Spencer and Sara had a professional painter come in and help paint (a huge help), Ryan works at the house every night after work to get more done and carpet comes today...YEA!!! We are excited to see to move in and enjoy our new home.
We feel so blessed! I cannot express enough gratitude for all the help we've received. I have been able to learn a lot these last few weeks, one being to let others serve me.
I don't have my cords to get pictures off of my camera and I can't even guess where they might be at this time, so no pictures, just an update!