Monday, January 19, 2009

Induction Date

After going to the doctor and being a little disappointed that I had not had any progress from the week before, the doctor and I decided on Thursday to be the day we will have this baby. I'm very excited to meet this new little guy. Stay tuned for our new addition! :)


Andrea said...

You're brave to be induced...I am terrified of being induced. When is your due date?

Mel said...

Hooray! I can't wait to see pictures of your little guy. You will have to update often. Good Luck!

Jill said...

Yeah! Definitely keep us posted. Good luck with everything!

Tara said...

Good luck. That is so exciting.

Genni said...

how exciting! I can't wait to see pictures. I hope it goes well. Hang in there.

Jim and Katie said...

How exciting! We are hoping on next Thursday or Friday for ours! Good Luck, can't wait to see him!

Kyle and Tiffany said...

Good luck on Thursday! I hope everything goes well. I'm so anxious to see pictures of the new little man. We'll be thinking of you.

Elicia said...

Good luck! I hope that everything goes well.