Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Our Beloved Prophet

Not only was our Prophet humble and inspirational, he had a great sense of humor. We will miss him deeply, but we feel very grateful to know His plan and know where President Hinckley is. Can you image how excited President and Sister Hinckley are?

I am grateful to have heard the words and principles from President Hinckley. I know he is a Prophet of God. I feel blessed to have the gospel in my life and have a Prophet upon the earth.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Yet, Another Day...

Adam loves his sister! Jenna laughs at EVERYTHING Adam does and it's quite contagious!

This is Hailey's (my neice) first icecream cone--she watched Adam so she knew what to do...I think she got it figured out.

Jenna LOVES her jumperoo! Needless to say, Adam does too.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Life Keeps Passing By...

Here is a picture of Adam when he went to Sunbeams for the first time. He loves Primary! This week he need to learn the theme for the year, so he's been saying, "I am a Child of God and He has a Plan for me." Its much cuter when he says it!

This is a picture of a cash register Adam drew. Look closely and you can see it. Its a cash register on top with a smiley face with eyes, nose and mouth on the bottom. I thought it was pretty good for a three-year-old, but I'm the mom, so I'm a little bias.

Braden and Jenna are so fun and cute together. Its nice to have them so close in age so they can grow up together. We hope they enjoy growing up together as much as their mom's enjoy having them grow up together.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

No new pictures, just an update

Adam went to Sunbeams a couple weeks ago. I can't believe that he's already old enough to go to Primary, but he is and he LOVES it. We have a really small primary (about 14 kids, total) so he was already asked to say the opening prayer. He did a great job too. He just jumped up there and said a prayer, by himself. I'm so proud!!!
Jenna is learning and doing great as well. She's almost nine months old, but still no crawling. I can't wait until she can crawl! Yes, she will be into everything, but at least she can go places on her own and be more content.
I was called to be the Relief Society Secretary on Sunday, which will be really good for me. I am excited to be back in the RS after being in the Primary then Young Womens for about 3 years.
Ryan is still going to work everyday to provide for the family. He's a great husband and a wonderful father. Both kids just beam when daddy comes home to play. Lets face it, daddy is a lot more fun than mom!