Happy Halloween!!!
Adam wanted to be a fire truck this year and Jenna loved being a lady bug! We had so much fun dressing them up in their Halloween costumes! And yes, Jenna definately belongs to me...she already loves CHOCOLATE!!! :)
Adam & Jenna both fell asleep while we were driving to our first house to go trick or treating, so we ended up back home where we waited for the trick or treaters come to us. It was a quiet, but very nice evening.
Cute blog! I had fun looking at it. It is so fun to be able to see what you are doing! I wish that my children would fall asleep in the car. That would be great! Ellee usually just screams in the car. Hallei very rarely sleeps in the car.
Hey Mindy,
I was just "blogging around" when I happened upon yours. It's so fun to see pictures of you and your family and to hear what's going on. It's been forever. I think the last time I saw you was in Logan when you were not liking it there and were moving to Boise. Is that right? Well just thought I would say hello and I'll be keeping an eye on your blog!
You can check ours out at www.campbellfamlee.blogspot.com
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