Friday, November 6, 2015

Well on their way

Here we are already into November and the kids are in the thick of the school year. We are coming to a close of their first trimester and so far things are going pretty good. The kids have good teachers and good friends. Adam is doing great so far in 6th grade, maintaining his position in Honor Society and doing various assignments that go along with that. This will be his last year in Elementary School. I've been enjoying having 3 of my kids in the same school, the school that is in our subdivision and oh, so close.
In 3rd grade now, Jenna is gaining confidence every day and has a teacher that wants to make sure Jenna succeeds. She loves to play tetherball at recess and is getting better and better at it every day.
Logan enjoys being in 1st grade and although he doesn't always follow the rules at home, he is definitely a rule follower at school. In fact, he's really bothered by some classmates that don't follow the rules. He's becoming a great reader and is fun to be around. Logan often prefers to walk home with the popular 6th graders, which can sometimes drive his older brother nuts!

Poor Allie is stuck at home with me everyday. She cried and cried the first few days of school when I wouldn't let her go with the rest of the kids. She even had her shoes on and her lunch box packed ready to go.
We started her in a music and movement class at the library and with story time before and after class, she is satisfied that she has her own class to go to now. Allie is telling me often during the day that she has do get her homework done and that she's off to school.

Family Pictures

Taking a family picture is a lot harder than it should be. Getting coordinating outfits, bribing the kids to wear the outfit, finding the right place, have happy kids and a happy husband, etc. etc.
This year was no different from the rest. Sara does an amazing job at taking pictures and working with my family. We are so grateful she's willing to share her talent with us.
Here's some of my favorites: