We went to Givens Hot Springs with the family before Jon & Amy headed off to Missouri. We are so excited for Jon & Amy to start this new adventure, but they will sure be missed. Dave & Marilyn's house (where Jon & Amy were living) is a little more quiet and empty now days. Adam will sure miss Carsey and we will all miss Coopers sweet smile.
We went to Chuck-E-Cheese and PoJo's because Adam filled up both his bathroom charts. He may be getting a little old for "going to the bathroom" charts, but whatever works, right!? (He can go to the bathroom by himself; he just always insisted I go with him, so he had a chart for going to the bathroom himself.

We've been doing a little house cleaning...every now and then...and Adam took up vacuuming. He loves to vacuum now, even though he was scared of the vacuum for years! Its nice to have an extra helper around!

Summer fun is always great around here. We are having a great time being outside and filling up the kiddie pool for the kids. Jenna didn't want to wait for me to put on her swim suit...I found her half way in the pool with her pants and shoes on. She was pretty excited!